Our Frequently Asked Questions
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We use Abeka Book in elementary classes; and in secondary classes we use Abeka Curriculum to develop not only a foundation of knowledge, but also the ability to think analytically, critically, and spiritually.
We do offer a hot lunch program, including chicken quesadillas, buffalo chicken wraps, meatball subs, grilled cheese, and pizza. We also offer breakfast biscuits, a variety of snacks, and microwavable foods. Students may bring their lunches from home and utilize the microwaves (4th-12th).
After care is offered through 6:00 p.m. Before school care is offered from 7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m. School doors open at 7:30 a.m. for morning drop-off.
Football, junior varsity basketball, varsity basketball (boys/girls), varsity volleyball (boys/girls), softball, baseball, golf, elementary cheerleading, varsity cheerleading, and elementary basketball.
Students can participate in the SCACS Fine Arts Competition. Some areas of participation include speech, choral music, art, photography, and academic testing.
We do not offer special education services; however, minor classroom modifications can be made for students with a mild IEP or 504 Plan.
We do not require a uniform. We do have a dress code (institutional preference) that teaches our students principles of modesty and professional appearance in order to prepare them to enter the workforce.
To be admitted, one must submit an application, take a placement test, and meet with a member of the administration. In addition, all medical and academic records must be sent to the school prior to attendance.
We maintain locked doors, utilize video cameras, and practice security drills to provide a secure and safe learning environment for your child.
Our mission is to partner with each family by engaging the mind through academic excellence and biblical values, cultivating the heart through spiritual emphasis, and acting in service to God and others.
VCS recognizes the need of technology integration in the classroom both for teaching instruction and student use. Our classrooms are equipped with various technology features, including computer workstations, smart TVs, Apple hardware, and a fully functional computer labs. We believe that each student should be prepared to function in an increasingly technological economy. Our students are taught to use technology responsibly and with the intention of improving the world around them.
Our teaching staff has over 300 years of educational experience, with a passion for education. All of our teachers are faithful Christians committed to creating a loving environment for your child.
6 weeks to 3 years old is available through our Early Childhood Learning Center. Please contact 803-522-0551 for more information.
Grades K4 through 12th are offered through our day school.
The average size of each class is 13 students with an overall student-teacher ratio of 9:1.
In addition to an unwavering focus on English and Math, our students receive a well-rounded education in history, science, foreign languages, physical education, choir, life skills, and computer courses, typing, teacher assistant opportunities, year-book, speech, web design and the Google Education suite.
Elementary classes emphasize the core curriculum along with offering an exposure to Spanish, computer, physical education, art, and elementary choir.
The academic program at VCS is based on accelerated curriculum, and we offer Honors classes and select AP classes (AP English, AP Computer Science Principles). We also offer Dual Enrollment classes, both on campus and online, through several Christian colleges and local community colleges. In addition, membership into the National Christian Honor Society is available to qualifying students.
We received accreditation in 2015 from the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools and have dual accreditation through the American Association of Christian Schools.